Easter | BBQ & Gourmet


On both Easter days, we provide BBQ and home grilling catering at any location in the Netherlands (excluding the Wadden Islands). Order a ready-to-eat and fully catered platter, including accessories and our dishwashing service, for this coming Easter. Make it easy for yourself!

Easter is a perfect occasion to come together with friends, family, and colleagues and enjoy delicious food. If you’re looking for a unique way to do this, consider having everything delivered to your location. Our platters offer a cozy and festive way to eat and chat together, while everyone can choose and prepare their own favorite ingredients.

Choose from our BBQ and Home Grilling assortments

Afbeelding van BBQ with Easter
BBQ with Easter
Afbeelding van Table grilling at Easter
Table grilling at Easter
A custom arrangement?

We will gladly think along in making a custom arrangement for you. Feel free to contact us for advice!

Contact us

Question? 085-743 03 62