BBQ with New Year's Eve | BBQ & Gourmet
BBQ with New Year's Eve

BBQ with New Year's Eve

An original New Year's Eve with a barbecue

Are you tired of sitting with the traditional Dutch doughnuts every year on New Year's Eve? Would you like to try something different? Surprise your friends and family with a barbecue during New Year's Eve! It may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but the New Year's Eve barbecue is becoming increasingly popular. And that's not surprising. With the right setup, a barbecue can be a very cozy occasion. Below we have some tips for you.

Tips for a barbecue on New Year's Eve

  1. Set up the right ambiance: It's still the end of December. It is often cold around this time, and your guests want to stay warm. If possible, eat indoors or under cover, and provide enough warmth with heaters and blankets.
  2. Serve warm dishes: It goes without saying that the meat and vegetables from the barbecue should be warm. However, also try serving warm dishes before that, such as a soup or warm salad as an appetizer.
  3. Take your time: When it's cold outside, your barbecue will need more time to cook the meat. So take your time and enjoy each other's company.

A complete package

With the menus below, we take care of the biggest worries for your New Year's Eve barbecue: we provide a suitable barbecue, a varied menu, and cutlery and plates. On New Year's Day, you probably don't want to do the dishes, so we'll take care of that too! Go from old to new in style this year.

The Best Catering Service at BBQ & Gourmet

At BBQ & Gourmet, we have many years of experience in Barbecue catering, including for your New Year's Eve. Our service takes care of everything, as the menus are delivered to the location of your choice, including all the necessary supplies. You don't have to worry about cleaning either: we take care of the dishes and cleaning!

Special Dietary Requests for Your New Year's Eve

At BBQ & Gourmet, we take into account the dietary needs of your guests. We have special Barbecue menus for your vegetarian guests, and we can also accommodate allergies. To make your New Year's Eve a success, we are happy to adapt to each guest.

Barbecue for Every Group

Whether you are celebrating New Year's Eve in a large or small group, you can always order the Barbecue packages at BBQ & Gourmet. We cater to groups starting from 4 people. We can also arrange Barbecue for large groups, as we work from a solid foundation. We handle everything in-house, which makes us very flexible.

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