Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy, we provide an explanation of how we collect and use personal data. This privacy policy applies to all personal data that we process regarding you when you contact us.

Who we are

We are BBQ & Gourmet.

We are responsible for collecting and using your personal information as described in this privacy policy. For questions, comments, or complaints regarding the processing of your data, you can contact us.

Types of personal information we process

We may collect and process the following categories of personal information:

Types of personal information we process
For example, we may capture your name, title, gender, or date of birth.

Your contact details and information about your personal account or registration
UYour contact details may include your address, location, phone number, and email address. When registering for a specific service or creating a personal account, we may capture your login details and other information you fill in on the account or registration form.

Our communication with you

We document your communication with us when you send us an email or chat with us online via social media. When you call us, we record your questions or complaints in our database.

Information we collect when you use our website
We may capture your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring website, browsing behavior, and click behavior when you visit our website. With your consent, we may also receive your location data. Additionally, we may receive automatic notifications when you open a newsletter or click on a link in a newsletter.

Information you share with us
If you respond to us on social media or fill out a customer survey, you choose to share information with us.

Cookies and similar technologies
We collect information through cookies and similar technologies when you use our website. For more information, please refer to our cookie policy on the website.

How we collect your data

BBQ & Gourmet may obtain your personal data in various ways. This occurs when you fill out a form, communicate with us via social media, or sign up for our newsletter. Depending on your social network settings, we may also receive information from your social network provider.

Purposes for which we use your data

The main purposes for which we use your personal information are:

To provide services to you
To simplify your use of our online services, we may analyze the data we collect from your use of our digital media and combine it with information collected through cookies and similar technologies. For example, to know which digital channel (email, social media) or device (desktop, tablet, or mobile) you prefer, so that we can tailor our communication to that channel or device.

To communicate with you
 We use your contact details to communicate with you, answer your questions, or address your complaints.

For statistical research
To conduct statistical research on general trends in the use of our services, website, and social media, as well as on the behavior and preferences of our customers and users, we use automatic tools. This allows us to develop better services. Additionally, we may improve the design and content of our website.

We may merge and analyze various types of data for our research. Only aggregated data is used: we do not use names, email addresses, or other directly identifiable information. We may also combine such aggregated data with information from public sources (such as CBS). We will not use sensitive data for this statistical research without your consent.

For direct marketing purposes
Your personal information may be used to send you newsletters or other marketing messages. We may use automatic tools to analyze your personal information, so that we can determine what information would be relevant to you. To do this, we may use and combine the information described above. We may also combine such aggregated information with information we receive from public

The results of our analysis are used to tailor our marketing messages to your specific interests and preferences. For example, if our analysis shows that you might be interested in certain types of services, we can customize our newsletter and website with content that we think is relevant to you.

We use various channels for our marketing messages, such as email and social media. You can revoke your consent to receive marketing messages or object to them at any time. To do this, please follow the instructions in the respective marketing message or contact us.

Disclosure and sharing of data with third parties

We may disclose or share your personal data for the following purposes with third parties:

For the support services we offer
Voor het leveren van onze diensten, werken wij samen met derden, zoals sociaalnetwerkproviders en marketingbureaus. Al deze derde partijen zijn verplicht uw persoonlijke gegevens te beschermen en deze alleen te verwerken overeenkomstig onze instructies. To deliver our services, we collaborate with third parties such as social network providers and marketing agencies. All these third parties are required to protect your personal data and only process it in accordance with our instructions.

For statistical research and direct marketing
Your personal information may be used for the purposes of statistical research and direct marketing (see above).

Third-party websites
Our website contains links to third-party websites. When you follow these links, you leave our website. This privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites. We do not accept any liability for the use of your personal data by these third parties. Your use of these websites is at your own risk. Please refer to the privacy policy of these third parties (if available) for information on how they handle your personal data.

Security and retention

The necessary technical and organizational measures are taken to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful use. Your personal data will be retained for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy or as required by law and to resolve disputes.

Privacy of children
We strive not to collect information about children under the age of 16 or to create interest segments specifically designed to target children. If you are concerned about your child's privacy in connection with our services, or if you believe that your child has entered personally identifiable information on our website, please contact us.

Your rights

 You have the right to request access to and the possibility to update and revise your personal data. You can also exercise any other rights you have under applicable privacy laws, including, for example, objecting to the processing of your personal data. You simply need to send a written request to:

You can contact us via if you have any questions, comments, or complaints about this privacy policy.

How is this privacy policy maintained

This privacy policy came into effect on 04-06-2019 and replaces our previous privacy policy. This privacy policy is constantly being revised. We will inform you of any changes by publishing the revised policy on our email address, after which it will take effect immediately.

Question? 085-743 03 62
